Newspeak was formed in the fall of 2012 by a group of Yale undergraduates, united by our passion for jazz. Since then, we have brought our music to audiences across the world. In 2013, we recorded our album Machinery of Night with 11-time Grammy winner Jack Renner, which is available on Bandcamp. Over the summer, we traveled to Austria for a residency at the Hotel Pupik artist community. Most recently, we performed a series of commissioned pieces at the Yale University Art Gallery in response to its acclaimed ceramics exhibition (on Youtube).
Newspeak is a quartet of trumpet, bass, piano, and drums, as well as vocals. Our music originally draws from the jazz tradition but has expanded to include everything from Nirvana to Yiddish folk music. We feature a series of innovative original compositions which push the boundaries of the quartet format. As was said of our recent performance, “the group approaches composition like the artists approach clay: it experiments with a medium that is at once firmly established and malleable.”
To hear more of our music, you can check out our promotional materials, which include several recent recordings and our press packet: