A Monthly Donation A Life-Long Impact (2).png


 Your monthly donation creates generational change.

Old Skool Cafe Monthly Partners are committed to breaking the cycle of poverty and incarceration. Our monthly partners allow us to provide year-round training, employment, and leadership experience to at-risk youth who are striving for a better future.

As a monthly partner, your gift will help fund:

  • Daily and weekly life coaching

  • Give-back projects that teach leadership, gratitude, and compassion

  • Youth uniforms and work clothes

  • Experiential learning

Will you give at-risk youth a new chance at life?



Benefits of Monthly Giving

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Join Our Family

Monthly Partners get special benefits like early access to event tickets, special treats at the restaurant, and Old Skool gifts.


Long Term Impact

Your gift allows us to plan ahead. We can continue giving at-risk youth a second chance for years to come. 


Your Gift Goes Further

Monthly gifts save time and money. Counting on your gift helps us steward our administrative time and resources efficiently.